![Thông tin mới về Date A Live phần 3](https://fbcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-0/p206x206/10527876_319858761511355_5992399064447826549_n.jpg)
This is a prediction for Date A Live Season 3.
So Date A Live II just ended yesterday and today I will give my prediction about a Date A Live III though as a novice you have to bear with me. It's obviously possible since the light novel series is still ongoing and the Season 2 was more or less just a preparation for a Season 3. If you notice Kurami only appeared on the last few episode of Season 2 and her plans and goal was really vague so most likely we will learn more about her plans on the next season.
DEM's goal was also really vague because all they did in this season was hunt down Tohka and released the darkness within Tohka. So there is probably more why they need to kill Tohka in her powerful form it's will most likely make the Wizard more powerful.
Highly Possible but most likely by 2015, also depending on Movie's sales.
The OVA will come December 2014, The Movie's date haven't been announced.
Photo: Created/Owned/Taken by Myself(DreamerME aka DME)
BubblePulse: +DreamerMe-Anime-Prediction +Date-A-Live-II
Một số ý đáng quan tâm:
Lời khuyên cho các bạn ko biết Tiếng Anh là đừng nên sd Google Dịch nếu bạn không muốn quăng bàn phím vào màn hình :V
- Đắng lòng k phải 9/9 ra OVA mà tháng 12 mới ra :V
- Đau não khi mùa thu năm sau mới ra season 3
- Ngả ngửa ghế khi Google Dịch nó dịch là "giết chết Tohka"
(Lưu ý : Đây là thông tin thu thập đc , chả bik có thật k nhưng không chém nhé )