41392891 Feral Imp
87796900 Winged Dragon 14181608 Mushroom Man
40575313 Shadow Specter
87564352 Blackland Fire Dragon
13069066 Sword Arm of Dragon
40453765 Swamp Battleguard
72842870 Tyhone 18246479 Battle Steer
45231177 Flame Swordsman
71625222 Time Wizard 08124921 Right Leg of Forbidden
44519536 Left Leg of Forbidden
70903634 Right Arm of Forbidden
07902349 Left Arm of Forbidden
33396948 Exodia of Forbidden
70781052 Summoned Skull
06285791 The Wicked Worm Below
32274490 Skull Servant
69669405 Horn Imp 05053103 Battle Ox
32452818 Beaver Warrior
68846917 Rock Ogre Grotto