Hack of: Pokemon Fire
This cool Gameboy
Advance game has
new maps, towns and
new story. Game is
English and completed
version. I will post a
guide for this game.
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can easily access it.
-The 3 starters are
Bulbasaur, Squirtle or
Charmander. I
Charmander because
in this game
Charmander's Body
Flame strategy can
burn the foes when
attacking it. Also
Charmander learns
Metal Claw at a certain
level below 16 which is
useful against any
Rock type Pokemons.
But isn't necessary
because the first gym
leader is not Brock
and uses Normal type
*When you received
your first badge in
Reinbort Town, then
go back to Smalas
Town where the old
man told you to get
off his property.
*From there continue
for the next gym
badge which has Ghost
type Pokemons. Very
hard to beat so make
sure you level up your
Pokemon before
battling them.
*After beating the
Ghost type gym leader
and received your
second badge, go west
and enter the Crater
Cave. Make your long
way out of it.
Remember to level up
your Pokemons
because the next gym
leader can be very
*When you reach the
town of the Federal
Prison (Brox City), you
need HM01 Cut to enter
the 3rd gym. Meet
your rival in the truck
area of that town then
you will be taken to
prison. Inside the
prison find your rival
again and talk to him
in his cabin. Then he
tells you to find a key
to get out of prison.
Go find the captain in
his cabin and defeat
him. He will then give
you the HM01 and the
key. Go back to your
rival and both of you
will get out of the
Federal Prison. Now
teach your Pokemon
Cut and get the third
gym badge. (Note
inside the gym beat
the left and right
trainers first then
beat the middle one
before challenging the
gym leader). From
there go north until
you reach Hento Town.
*See complete guide
Download Pokemon
Fuligin.zip (5.2mb)